A previsão de neve para Røldal é de: Queda acentuada de neve, mais intensa durante Domingo à noite. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. -1°C na Segunda de manhã, mín -5°C na Terça à noite). o vento será geralmente fraco.
Røldal Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Røldal is: Queda acentuada de neve, mais intensa durante Domingo à noite. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. -1°C na Segunda de manhã, mín -5°C na Terça à noite). o vento será geralmente fraco.
Røldal Weather (Days 4-6): Uma camada de neve fresca. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. -2°C na Sexta à tarde, mín -7°C na Qui à noite). o vento será geralmente fraco.
Neve ao vivo em Røldal
Profundidade da neve
Temp (°C)
Vento (km/h)
Top Lift:
Subida intermédia
Bottom Lift:
Desenvolvido por Snow-Forecast.com
Meteorologia em Røldal
(próximos 3 dias):
A previsão de neve para Røldal é de: Queda acentuada de neve, mais intensa durante Domingo à noite. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. -1°C na Segunda de manhã, mín -5°C na Terça à noite). o vento será geralmente fraco.
Meteorologia para Røldal (Dias 4-6):
Uma camada de neve fresca. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. -2°C na Sexta à tarde, mín -7°C na Qui à noite). o vento será geralmente fraco.
Queda acentuada de neve, mais intensa durante Domingo à noite. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. -1°C na Segunda de manhã, mín -5°C na Terça à noite). o vento será geralmente fraco.
Resumo meteorológico dos próximos 4-6 dias:
Uma camada de neve fresca. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. -2°C na Sexta à tarde, mín -7°C na Qui à noite). o vento será geralmente fraco.
As tabelas acima dão a previsão do tempo para Røldal à altitude específica de 1300 m. Nossos sofisticados modelos de tempo permitem-nos obter a previsão de neve para estações no topo, na parte média e na baixa de Røldal. Para acessar a previsão do tempo para outras elevações, utilize o botão tab acima da tabela. Para uma visão mais ampla do tempo, dê uma olhada em Weather Map" of Norway.
Click here para ler mais informações sobre os níveis de congelamento e de como nós prevemos nossas temperaturas.
Røldal is usually called Norways Chamonix. It is not because of the lifts (which where updated for the 07/08 season) but the massive amounts of snow. This season there was 5 meters at most (3 meters in the bottom) and many days of wonderful powder skiing. The reason for these massive amounts of snow is that it is situated on the west coast of Norway and we get a lot of rain. During the winter most of this falls as snow in Røldal. There never comes small dumps, but large ones, from 20 - 50 centimeters.
The new lift has increased capacity considerably, by as much as 62%, which has eliminated most queuing problems, even in the weekends. The site is huge, and usually no rocks are visible, neither trees (due to the height) so one can ski without interruption. The weather can be very difficult sometimes, but when the sun appears it is a wonder to look at! Cloudy weather can make the eyesight small, but if you know you can ski it is not a problem. Temperature is stable below -5 for most of the winter, but can fall down to as much as -30 celcius.
For experienced skiers this is heaven. There are massive challenges, though I get enough powder from the ski center! For families and beginners they have many slack slopes and beginners lifts. It increases in popularity ever year, so be early if you need a place to stay. If you ever visit the west coast of Norway, you should definitly try a day (or more) in Røldal. The road up is expanded and enables you to see massive scenarios of nature. See you there!
Røldal is usually called Norways Chamonix. It is not because of the lifts (which where updated for the 07/08 season) but the massive amounts of snow. This season there was 5 meters at most (3 meters in the bottom) and many days of wonderful powder skiing. The reason for these massive amounts of snow is that it is situated on the west coast of Norway and we get a lot of rain. During the winter most of this falls as snow in Røldal. There never comes small dumps, but large ones, from 20 - 50 centimeters.
The new lift has increased capacity considerably, by as much as 62%, which has eliminated most queuing problems, even in the weekends. The site is huge, and usually no rocks are visible, neither trees (due to the height) so one can ski without interruption. The weather can be very difficult sometimes, but when the sun appears it is a wonder to look at! Cloudy weather can make the eyesight small, but if you know you can ski it is not a problem. Temperature is stable below -5 for most of the winter, but can fall down to as much as -30 celcius.
For experienced skiers this is heaven. There are massive challenges, though I get enough powder from the ski center! For families and beginners they have many slack slopes and beginners lifts. It increases in popularity ever year, so be early if you need a place to stay. If you ever visit the west coast of Norway, you should definitly try a day (or more) in Røldal. The road up is expanded and enables you to see massive scenarios of nature. See you there!
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