A previsão de neve para Chamonix é de: Uma ligeira cobertura de neve fresca, caíndo no Sábado de manhã. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. 0°C no Domingo de manhã, mín -6°C na Sexta de noite). o vento será geralmente fraco.
Chamonix Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Chamonix is: Uma ligeira cobertura de neve fresca, caíndo no Sábado de manhã. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. 0°C no Domingo de manhã, mín -6°C na Sexta de noite). o vento será geralmente fraco.
Chamonix Weather (Days 4-6): principalmente seco. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. 0°C no Domingo à tarde, mín -6°C na Segunda à tarde). o vento será geralmente fraco.
Neve ao vivo em Chamonix
Profundidade da neve
Temp (°C)
Vento (km/h)
Top Lift:
Subida intermédia
Bottom Lift:
Desenvolvido por Snow-Forecast.com
Meteorologia em Chamonix
(próximos 3 dias):
A previsão de neve para Chamonix é de: Uma ligeira cobertura de neve fresca, caíndo no Sábado de manhã. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. 0°C no Domingo de manhã, mín -6°C na Sexta de noite). o vento será geralmente fraco.
Meteorologia para Chamonix (Dias 4-6):
principalmente seco. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. 0°C no Domingo à tarde, mín -6°C na Segunda à tarde). o vento será geralmente fraco.
Light rain reported from Villars-sur-Ollon at 1350 metres elevation only 4 kms SW of Villars but it is forecast cold enough for snow at higher elevations in the ski area de Villars
Uma ligeira cobertura de neve fresca, caíndo no Sábado de manhã. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. 0°C no Domingo de manhã, mín -6°C na Sexta de noite). o vento será geralmente fraco.
Resumo meteorológico dos próximos 4-6 dias:
principalmente seco. temperaturas serão abaixo de zero (máx. 0°C no Domingo à tarde, mín -6°C na Segunda à tarde). o vento será geralmente fraco.
Light rain reported from Villars-sur-Ollon at 1350 metres elevation only 4 kms SW of Villars but it is forecast cold enough for snow at higher elevations in the ski area de Villars
As tabelas acima dão a previsão do tempo para Chamonix à altitude específica de 2440 m. Nossos sofisticados modelos de tempo permitem-nos obter a previsão de neve para estações no topo, na parte média e na baixa de Chamonix. Para acessar a previsão do tempo para outras elevações, utilize o botão tab acima da tabela. Para uma visão mais ampla do tempo, dê uma olhada em Weather Map" of France.
Click here para ler mais informações sobre os níveis de congelamento e de como nós prevemos nossas temperaturas.
This is from a piste skier’s perspective. Despite the smaller individual areas, Chamonix is still great. If you think carefully where to stay, you can use the quick reliable train to easily get to the Grand Montets, Flegere and Le Tour (Valloricine station). The buses are fine and really frequent but the train is easier.
The Brevent-Flegere area is big enough to keep you happy for a couple of days and has terrific views. Le Tour (Balme) is better than I remembered. Grands Montets is really missing the top lift that’s being rebuilt.
Food on the mountain has improved with more options than I remember from my last trip 10 years ago. Food in town is still really good with loads of choice.
It’s easy to get to, I took an overnight bus from Paris which worked well. I arrived at 7, had breakfast in the Plan B hotel by the bus station and was skiing by 9. If that’s too extreme, Geneva airport is just over an hour away and there are good train services from Paris.
If you’re a piste skier who occasionally ventures off-piste, Chamonix is poor as there are so many good powder skiers it gets tracked out in no time. The great off-piste is well away from the ski areas and quite serious.
This is from a piste skier’s perspective. Despite the smaller individual areas, Chamonix is still great. If you think carefully where to stay, you can use the quick reliable train to easily get to the Grand Montets, Flegere and Le Tour (Valloricine station). The buses are fine and really frequent but the train is easier.
The Brevent-Flegere area is big enough to keep you happy for a couple of days and has terrific views. Le Tour (Balme) is better than I remembered. Grands Montets is really missing the top lift that’s being rebuilt.
Food on the mountain has improved with more options than I remember from my last trip 10 years ago. Food in town is still really good with loads of choice.
It’s easy to get to, I took an overnight bus from Paris which worked well. I arrived at 7, had breakfast in the Plan B hotel by the bus station and was skiing by 9. If that’s too extreme, Geneva airport is just over an hour away and there are good train services from Paris.
If you’re a piste skier who occasionally ventures off-piste, Chamonix is poor as there are so many good powder skiers it gets tracked out in no time. The great off-piste is well away from the ski areas and quite serious.
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